The Cuckoo-finch, sometimes referred to as Parasitic Weaver, exploits the nests of many small insect eating grassland species. They generally have a 4 host rule when choosing habitat to explit these birds. This means that you will most likely find Cuckoo-finch in areas where at least 4 Cisticolas are breeding.

Zitting Cisticiola has come up with an amazing strategy to counteract the behaviour of the Cuckoo-finch. They have a very long breeding season.

Where this becomes a most amazing and little known fact is that young females become reproductively active very quickly. In fact some of the nesting females later in the season are still juveniles. Some females start nesting as young as 27 days after fledging.

Zitting Cisticiola is one of the few birds known to breed in the same season in which they hatch!!