Birding by ear

Videos and other content to guide you on your way!

Birding by ear is easier than you think!

If you can recognize the call of the African Fish Eagle, a Hadeda or even a Piet-my-vrou, you can bird by ear. With a bit of patience and some practice you can master this crucial birding skill easily. The content on this site will help you on that journey.


We present a range of educational videos to help you learn your calls by family.

Barbets and Tinkerbirds

We cover the calls of the barbets and tinkerbirds including maps of distribution.

Doves and Pigeons

The doves and pigeons have fairly disctive calls. From the Ring-necked Dove and Laughing Dove to the African Green Pigeon, these calls are disctinctive and with a bit of practice you should be able to remember them.